Faculty of Science

Department Code Name Winter term Summer term Credits Languages Level

KBI E103 Plant Physiology 7 English N/D
KBI E104 General of Parasitology 7 English N/D
KBI E106 Animal and Human Physiology 7 English N/D
KBI E111 Molecular Biology 7 English N/D
KBI E112 Mycology 5 English N/D
KBI E119 Design and Rapid Prototyping of Microsystems in Biology and Medicine 10 English N/D
KBI E120 Microscopy Techniques in Biology 10 English N/D
KBI E122 Microsystems in Biology and Medicine 7 English N/D
KBI E124 Genetics 7 English N/D
KBI E125 Plant Biotechnology 7 English N/D
KBI E126 Biophysics 7 English N/D
KBI E127 Behavior 7 English N/D
KBI E128 Application of Methods of Molecular Genetics in Studies of Microbial Communities 7 English N/D
KBI E130 Wildlife management 7 English N/D
KBI E131 Science education 7 English N/D
KBI E133 Welfare Assessment of zoo animals in practice 10 English N/D
KBI E134 Laboratory Technigues in Cell Biology 10 English N/D
KFY EA51 Measurements and Processing of Experimental Data 5 English N/D
KFY E130 Programming - Matlab 5 English N/D
KFY E223 Physical methods of thin film deposition 5 English N/D
KFY E235 Programming C/C++ 5 English N/D
KFY E293 Ion Analytic Methods 5 English N/D
KFY E369 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 10 English N/D
KFY E501 Seminar of Computer Modelling I 5 English N/D
KFY E511 Atomic and Nuclear Physics 10 English N/D
KFY E523 Computer Modelling - Particle Modelling 5 English N/D
KFY E530 An Introduction to Quantum Physics 5 English Bc.
KFY E701 Introduction to Supramolecular chemistry 5 English N/D
KFY E736 Physical Problems and Their Solutions - for secondary school teachers 5 English N/D
KFY E737 Quantum Physics 5 English Mgr.
KFY E753 Numerical Methods of Hydrodynamics 5 English N/D
KFY E861 Solid State Physics 5 English Bc.
KFY E864 Modelling of Processes in Technology I 5 English N/D
KFY E865 Physics of Cosmic Plasma and magnetohydrodynamics 5 English N/D
KFY E963 Modelling of Processes in Technology II 5 English N/D
KGEO E023 One-day Geographical Excursion A / Geographische Exkursion A 5 English, German N/D
KGEO E030 Urban Environmentalistics 5 English N/D
KGEO E065 One-day Geographical Excursion D / Geographische Exkursion D 5 English, German N/D
KGEO E100 Regional geography of Northwestern Bohemia 10 English N/D
KGEO E101 Regional geography of the Czech Republic 10 English N/D
KGEO E202 Geographical Information Systems I 5 English N/D
KGEO E211 GIS Project 5 English N/D
KGEO E218 Physische Geographie von Tschechien 5 German N/D
KGEO E300 Geographical Information Systems II 5 English N/D
KGEO E301 Cultural Geography 5 English Mgr.
KGEO E304 Problems of Development of Czech Regions 5 English N/D
KGEO E306 Economic geography I 5 English Bc.
KGEO E310 Methods and Application of Historical Geography 5 English N/D
KGEO E312 Field Practice in Human Geography 5 English Mgr.
KGEO E403 English for Science 5 English N/D
KGEO E405 Economic geography II 5 English Bc.
KGEO E406 Global problems 4 English N/D
KGEO E512 Theories and concepts of rural geography 5 English Mgr.
KGEO E516 EU and Central Europe 5 English N/D
KGEO 0065 One-day Geographical Excursion D 1 Czech, German N/D
KCH E100 General Chemistry 5 English Bc.
KCH E101 Introduction to Inorganic and Organic Chemistry 10 English N/D
KCH E102 Termodynamics 5 Czech, English Mgr.
KCH E103 Applied Thermodynamics: Phave behaviour 5 English N/D
KCH E104 Introduction to material and energy balances 4 Czech, English Bc.
KCH E105 Experimental Methods: Laboratory Tutorials 5 English N/D
KCH E107 Preparation and characterization of new surface coated materilas 5 N/D N/D
KCH E108 Introduction to programming with MATLAB 5 English N/D
KCH E109 Membrane Separations 5 English Bc.
KI EAFJ Theory of Automata and Formal Languages 7 English N/D
KI EAIT IT Architecture and Infrastructure 5 English Bc.
KI EAPR1 Algorithms and Programming I 7 English Bc.
KI EAPR2 Algorithms and Programming II 7 English Bc.
KI EBIG Big Data Storage and Tools 7 English Mgr.
KI EBTE Security Technologies 5 English Bc.
KI EDBS Database Systems 9 English Bc.
KI EDEP Dependability of Information Systems 5 English Bc.
KI EDMR Data Mining Techniques Based on R Software 7 English Bc.
KI EGUI GUI Programming 7 English Bc.
KI EIKT Information and Communication Technologies 8 English Bc.
KI EIOT Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino 7 English Bc.
KI EITP Internet Technologies and Protocols 5 English Bc.
KI EMLPR Machine Learning Based on Python and R 7 English N/D
KI EMSW Mathematical software 5 English Bc.
KI EOMLM Optimization for Machine Learning with MATLAB 5 English Bc.
KI EOON Object Oriented Design 5 English Bc.
KI EOONV Object-Oriented Design Patterns 7 English Bc.
KI EOPR Optimal Decision Making 7 English Bc.
KI EOPS Operating Systems 5 English Bc.
KI EOSY Operating Systems Principles and Administration 7 English Bc.
KI EOTT Optimization 7 English Mgr.
KI EPAR Parallel Programming 7 English Mgr.
KI EPCA Computer Architecture 7 English Bc.
KI EPDSA Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms 7 English Mgr.
KI EPGR Computer Graphics 5 English Bc.
KI EPIN Internet Programming 7 English Bc.
KI EPMP Programming for Mobile Platforms 5 English Bc.
KI EPNUM Advanced Numerical Methods 8 English Mgr.
KI EPSE Computer Networks 7 English Bc.
KI EPYR Python and R for Data Science 6 English Mgr.
KI EROB Use of Robot Kits 5 English Bc.
KI ESOC Soft Computing 8 English Mgr.
KI ESWI Software Engineering 5 English Bc.
KI ESYS System Simulation 6 English Mgr.
KI EURDB Introduction to Relational Databases 5 English Bc.
KI EUSU Introduction to Machine Learning 5 English Bc.
KMA E101 Advanced statistical methods 5 English Mgr.
KMA E103 Game Theory 5 English Bc.
KMA E104 Mathematical Analysis I 8 English Bc.
KMA E105 Mathematical Analysis II 6 English Bc.
KMA E106 Mathematical Analysis III 5 English Bc.
KMA E107 Mathematical Analysis IV 5 English Mgr.
KMA E108 Ordinary differential equations 6 English Bc.
KMA E109 Probability and Statistics 6 English Bc.
KMA E110 Problem Solving Methods for Mathematics 5 English Bc.
KMA E111 Time Series 5 English Mgr.
KMA E112 Topology 6 English Mgr.
KMA E113 Linear algebra 5 English Bc.
KMA E114 Geometry 6 English Bc.
KMA E115 Introduction to the Didactics of Mathematics in Teachers Education 6 English Bc.
KMA E117 Introduction to analytic geometry 6 English Bc.
KMA E118 Differential Geometry 6 English Bc.
KMA E119 Computational Topology 6 English Mgr.
KMA E120 Abstract Algebra 5 English Bc.